Chris Scott mobile: 0431 627 186 international: +61 431 627 186
The first question to address is why do we ask horses to teach us leadership, team building and communication skills?

Here at Horse Vision, we have found that people experience personal insights through the way horses respond to them and how they attempt to connect to these creatures. Horses not only guide us to understand the invisible forces and energies that affect social interaction, but also teach us to better understand body signals, and stay present and focused. 

Why Horses?

Our Horses

Horses – The ulitmate Team


Bella the co founder of Horse Vision.  She is the reason we are here today.


Aida is known for her gentle nickers and horsey hugs.

Mr. Darcy

Darcy is always the to first at the gate wanting to come out and spend time with his favorite people. He teaches calmness and patience.


Cheeky Specks.  We never quite know what he will get up to next.


Welcome to Bonnie or ‘Bonski’, the newest member to our team.


Guinness is the senior member of our team. A reliable gentle fellow who does everything in “Guinness Time”

Who are the horses involved in the program?

The horses who find a job at Horse Vision no longer have a use in the traditional sense. Sometimes they come from lives of both emotional and physical abuse, and therefore have specific needs, and require more care. We find that when the participants stop focusing on themselves and begin to focus on another individual – in this case the horse – something seems to change for them.  

The participant can start to make changes or see things differently, because they need to do this to help the horse. They find clarity, calmness, and trust, while becoming more present, and aware of body language. These changes need to occur to build a relationship with the horse. Horses see through us to who we really are and reflect the image back to us, this makes them the perfect teachers to take us on a journey to rediscover ourselves. At Horse Vision, people help horses and help themselves in the process. 

Horse Vision

No horse experience needed – all interaction with horses is conducted on the ground.