by | Jul 2, 2019 | Programs, Uncategorized |
Worldwide Training Opportunities Our goal at Horsevision Equine Assisted Training is to ensure you have an extraordinary experience where ever you live. Our worldwide training opportunities offer placements in countries outside of where Horsevision is located. InĀ ...
by | May 21, 2018 | Programs |
Worldwide Training Opportunities Our goal at Horsevision Equine Assisted Training is to ensure you have an extraordinary experience where ever you live. Our worldwide training opportunities offer placements in countries outside of where Horsevision is located. In...
by | Dec 15, 2016 | Advertising, Events, Programs |
Contact Horse Vision is excited to announce the introduction of a new workshop in 2017. Equine Assisted Self Growth & Body Awareness Workshop This workshop brings together the horses with Sound and Emmett therapies to reconnect the mind, body and spirit and...